Millenniumon (Adventure:)

From Wikimon
Kanji/Kana ミレニアモン
Voice Actor Japanese Volcano Ota

Millenniumon is an antagonist and the second major antagonist after Devimon in Digimon Adventure:. It first appeared as Moon Millenniumon silhouette to forcibly evolve Devimon into Neo Devimon, and then Done Devimon with the help of Dark Knightmon. It appeared again as physical appearance and in the past as Zeed Millenniumon during the war between the Holy Digimon and the Dark Digimon.

It eventually becomes Millenniumon after Fusing with its follower, Chimairamon, which had evolved from Sephirothmon.


Baby I ?
Baby II ?
Child ?
Adult ?
Perfect ?
Ultimate Moon Millenniumon
Zeed Millenniumon
Millenniumon (with Chimairamon)




Digimon Adventure:[edit]

The Holy Digimon face Zeed Millenniumon in the Ancient War.

Virtual Pets[edit]


Additional Information[edit]

References Notes
Digimon Adventure:
Main Characters Yagami TaichiTakenouchi SoraIshida YamatoIzumi KoshiroTachikawa MimiKido JoeTakaishi TakeruYagami Hikari
Partner Digimon AgumonGabumonPiyomonPalmonTentomonGomamonPatamonTailmon
Supporting Characters LeomonLopmonKomondomonGerbemonSearchmonWisemon
Antagonists Algomon (Baby I/Baby II/Child/Adult/Perfect/Ultimate) • DevimonSkull KnightmonMillenniumonOrgemonSoundbirdmon/Deathmon/Deathmon (Black)Eyesmon/Orochimon/NidhoggmonNegamon
Dark Digimon Army CoredramonGorimon * Solarmon * DarkTyrannomon * Metal TyranomonScorpiomonWaspmonCannonbeemonKuwagamonOkuwamonMinotarumon * Troopmon * Velgemon * Calmaramon * Splashmon * DarkMaildramon * Mephismon * Mugendramon * Griffomon * Sephirothmon *Vademon
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